B2B and B2C advertisers have a lot to choose from in the form of marketing channels to use to pass their messages across to customers. However, the email is arguably the most potent and effective tool advertisers can use to enhance their brands. This cost-effective alternative allows you to reach potential customers in one place you can be sure they visit every day – their inbox.
However, just sending emails occasionally is not good enough to actualize the goals you’ve set as a brand. Your potential clients receive scores of emails every day, but they only open a small percentage of them and engage with even lesser emails.
Statistics have revealed that 69% percent of email recipients report email as spam just from the content of the subject line, while 42% of people around the world check out the sender name when deciding whether to open a mail or not.
With this in view, it is necessary for you to do a total overhaul of your marketing strategy and start optimizing your email marketing campaign to achieve the objectives you’ve set for your organization.
For example, Campaign Monitor got a 127% increase in email CTRs by adding a CTA button, and Whirlpool improved the number of clicks by 42% by simply reducing its CTA buttons from four to one.
For further detailed analysis, outlining the most effective email optimization hacks coupled with case studies from reputable brands, check out the infographic below.