What Do Google Ads & PPC Advertising Offer you?
Targeted reach
Now you can advertise to people searching on Google. Even if you already are appearing in Google’s search results, Google Ads can assist you to find new audiences using Google’s advertising network.
Greater control
You can continually edit your ads and adjust your budget to achieve the results you desire. You also have the flexibility to display a variety of ad formats and even target your ads to specific geographic locations and even languages.
Measurable value
You’re only charged when people click your ads with Pay Per Click. This means your advertising budget is going to stretch further as every cent of your budget is aimed at bringing new prospects to your business.
Why Use Google Ads & PPC Advertising?
- Results are immediate as search engines will show your ad instantly
- You immediately know if it’s working. Fees are transparent
- You only pay when someone clicks on your ad and lands on your website
- Managing your daily budget is a simple process. Unlike other media channels you can calculate your ROI with precision.
What You Will Get From Our Google Ads & PPC Services:
- Keyword research
- Set up ad campaign groups & structure
- Ad scheduling and targeting
- Landing pages & split testing
- Bidding for ads
- Monitor analytics for bids, site & conversion
- Ongoing development of bid tactics
- Add and subtract terms from keyword list
- Refinement of landing pages & ad copy
- Monthly written report on analytics
- Recommendations & planning for coming months
- Introduce additional paid channels (as appropriate)
Our Differences
Our approach to PPC is simple: No matter how much you spend, buy the most valuable traffic first. Our dedicated focus on earning more income per click produces real results for our PPC advertising clients:
- Certified Google Partner – We have been certified as one of the Google Partners in Australia
- More Traffic – We build, tune and manage campaigns that consistently deliver more traffic at the same or lesser costs.
- Better Traffic – We don’t sacrifice quality for quantity. Our campaign setup and management tactics deliver more of the highly-qualified traffic that our clients really need.
- Lower Costs – We’re specialists in identifying and reducing inefficient PPC spending. There’s simply no reason to pay more per click or customer acquisition than you need to.
- Higher Return – Our campaigns achieve ROI that make our clients look like rock stars to their boards and bosses. We build campaigns that are not only effective and efficient but driven by our client’s business goals.
- Fast Project Payback – Our clients find that our Google Ads Accelerator projects pay for themselves very quickly, often within the first month.
Are You Ready To Use Our Google Ads & PPC Advertising Services?
For a customised Google Ads PPC Advertising services quote based on your specific needs please contact us.